BOLD DESIRE, unashamed receiving

Inside Episode 3, K&K sink into a deep conversation around DESIRE and how it is the precursor to success in life and business. From owning its innate purity, to activating it and opening up the feminine energy to also RECEIVE your desires, this one causes some BIG shifts, ah-ha moments and NEW clarity.

Ep 3 of the FEMME NWM podcast we explore:

• Life as a self-fulling prophecy and our sub-conscious codings (how to recognise limiting behaviours, release the inner silent handbrake and shift into an acceleration of your desires!)

• The energetics and strategy of DESIRE and how it is the foundation to raising your trajectory in ALL areas of life (so long as it feels PURE!)

• K&K get real, raw and vulnerable sharing stories of HOW they unlocked their next level of abundance in life and business through the power and awareness of opening up to RECEIVING.

• Lean into some live coaching as Kimberley feels triggered inside this live conversation and learn the strategies of how to SHIFT in the heat of the moment.

• You’re also invited into some journaling prompts, affirmations and tools to implement to create even more profound energetic shifts.

This episode is infused with a depth of wisdom, heart, soul, vulnerability and pure, potent personal power. You will walk away feeling so CLEAR, aware and empowered to open your heart and mind up to your truth of desire and receiving.


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